Life coach, counselor, therapist and mentors! Though these roles have similarities and overlaps, they have very distinct functions. Mentors act primarily as role models. These are the people who are doing what you aspire to do. For example, if you are a new manager, your mentor could be an experienced manager. You can take your questions and dilemmas to him/her and get tips on how to solve them. Mentors can share their methods and processes with you, so that you can quickly come up to speed. Counselors act primarily as advisors. They are experts in their field of study. You go to them with a specific problem related to their field, and they can advise you what to do. Career counselors for example, will advise students on which courses to take to get into the career of their choice. Therapists are healers; they are the ones who you go to with your physical or psychological ailments to feel better. They have techniques and tools to heal you from your discomfort. Psychotherapists can heal you from psychological ailments, likewise physiotherapists will heal you from physical ailments. Coaching is something very different than the above. The word “coach” comes from the concept of “carrier”; a carrier to your intended destination. Your coach is your carrier to success. A coach inspires, directs, and trains, either an individual or a team, so that they will attain their goals and objectives. Most effective coaches train mindsIn today's age, every professional sports team and athlete has a coach. Even schools' sports teams have coaches. Sports coaches don't just coach in terms of physical performance and game strategies, but also teach how to behave in stress and how to use minds and emotions to win. When it comes to top athletes who train to win the Olympics, the coaches emphasize on fine tuning mental and emotional performance, sometimes even more so than the physical. This is because after you have mastered skills and techniques of a game, it is the attitude, mental discipline and emotional stability that often differentiates a gold medalist from a runner up. As the importance of this mental and emotional coaching got spotlight through sports, it is then the element of coaching that was picked up by business leaders. Now most, if not all, executives in Fortune 500 companies have coaches to coach them achieve their leadership objectives. Life coaching is the approach of goal oriented mental and emotional excellence applied to solve life problems and reach life goals. It is gaining popularity among high performing individuals. Sport coaches, coach athletes and teams to win in their game. Executive coaches, coach executives to win in their business. Life coaches, coach people to win in their lives! What is life coaching?Life is our race against ourselves. Our deepest desires and innate talents, are competing against our deepest fears and self-sabotaging tendencies. The winner is determined by our awareness to clearly recognize these players, and consciously create conditions to give our desires and talents a lead in the race. Everyone has an image of ideal life they aspire to live, however not many manage to create that life experience for themselves. Life coaching is for those who want to win in their lives: If winning in life for you is unleashing your potential, being the best version of yourself, making your dreams a reality and living a life of the highest contribution and growth. Then, having a life coach on your side is going to ensure that you get to the finish line, overcome all the obstacles and feel completely fulfilled and accomplished. A life coach will help you assess if you are on the right track and then train your talents to win against all obstacles, internal or external. The coach’s function is to keep you inspired, accountable, focused, committed to your dreams and fulfill your goals and desires. A coach may wear many hatsAs the journey to your goal unfolds, your coach may mentor, counsel and act as a therapist; it is always done in the context of taking you to your goal faster. Unlike counselors, therapists and mentors, coaches are there with you in every step of the way till you reach your goal. They will push you out of your comfort zone when needed and cheer for you when you make progress. At its best, life coaching is like a potion: a perfect elixir for your soul, made with huge amounts of inspiration, clarity, confidence and accountability. With just enough mentoring and therapy mixed in it, you will be propelled to success. When you appoint a coach in your life, you are appointing someone in addition to yourself to be invested in you and your success. This someone will orient you towards your goals and success, even when the rest of the world tries to distract you or your own fears try to slow you down. Zone of Excellence Coaches bring you into the zone of excellence. This is where you become fully alive, unstoppable, totally immersed in what you do without second guessing, and overcome your fears. You perform at the top of your game. People who are at the top of their game, may it be sports, arts, or businesses, have one thing in common. They all have coaches. Their coach keeps them into their zone of excellence, where they achieve results that seemed beyond anybody’s reach. Why limit this zone of excellence to athletes and elites? You deserve to be there too. You are in charge of what you do in life, your life is immensely precious, it matters what you do in your life to you and your loved ones; therefore you absolutely need to be in the zone of your personal excellence. If winning in life is not just your wish or just a fantasy, but a burning desire within you. And you are willing to give your all to experience the best life can be, then give yourself a big boost by partnering with a life coach. Want to find out how it is work with a coach? Apply for free strategy session with Silicon Valley coach here
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